Lumiracoxib Pharmacogenetic Follow-up Study
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A retrospective pharmacogenetic analysis of patients with elevated liver enzymes (Hy's law cases or AST/ALT > 10 x ULN) in clinical studies CCOX189A0117, CCOX189A2332, CCOX189A2369, CCOX189A0126, CCOX189A0112, CCOX189A0109 or CCOX189A2361
Contact name
John Robinson
Sponsor organisation
Novartis Pharma-AG
Eudract number
Research summary
The purpose of this research is to follow up on patients who participated in previous clinical trials involving lumiracoxib. Consent will be sought only from patients who experienced elevated liver enzymes or liver toxicity in previous lumircoxib trials and exploratory genetic assessments will be performed by extracting DNA from a blood sample. The results of the research will be used to study the association between genetic variation and lumiracoxib-related liver toxicity as a means of improving the safety profile of lumiracoxib. The study population worldwide will consist of 37 male and female patients. In the UK, 3 potential patients have been identified however only one of these is still known to be alive and contactable.
REC name
North West - Liverpool Central Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
13 Jan 2010
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion