Long term efficacy of Lubiprostone for paed. functional constipation

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    A Multicentre, Long-term Safety, Efficacy and Pharmacokinetics Study of Lubiprostone in Paediatric Subjects Aged ≥6 to <18 years with Functional Constipation



  • Contact name

    Nikhil Thapar

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    Sucampo AG

  • Eudract number


  • Duration of Study in the UK

    2 years, 9 months, days

  • Research summary

    This is a phase 3, multicentre, long term study to assess the safety, efficacy, and
    pharmacokinetics of oral lubiprostone for the treatment of functional constipation in children. Approximately 300 subjects who participated in the preceding, double-blinded study(SAG/0211PFC-1131) will be enrolled in the study across approximately 100 sites within the United States, Canada, and Europe. Dose assignment will be based on the dose they were receiving at the time of rolling over into this safety extension study for those subjects who were randomised to receive lubiprostone during the preceding study. For subjects who received placebo during the preceding study (as identified via IXRS), assignment of dose by the IXRS will be based on subject body weight at the time of rollover to this extension study. Dose assignment will only be known in subjects who were at least 50 kg in weight at the time of randomisation in the preceding study (SAG/0211PFC-1131). All dose assignments will be handled by the IXRS and will continue to maintain blinding with respect to the treatment assignment in the preceding trial. Duration of subject participation is approximately 42 weeks
    through follow up.

  • REC name

    London - Bloomsbury Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    25 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion