Leadership, ward climate and patient outcomes version 1

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Study of leadership, ward climate and patient outcomes



  • Contact name

    Emma Soane

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier

    159915 (IRAS reference), 160 (peer review certificate)

  • Research summary

    The aims of this study are:
    • to examine how ward-level leadership and climate influence patient safety and satisfaction
    • to compare teams and professional groups
    • to make recommendations regarding development of leaders and leadership development

    Our hypotheses include:

    • Perceptions of effective leadership will be associated positively with patient safety indicators within wards
    • Effective leadership will support discipline-based practices as well as shared values and goals within- and across-team
    • Perceptions of a safety culture will strengthen the associations between individual-level perceptions and practices that influence patient-safety

    We will write a report summarising the data and implications for ward leadership and management. We expect that the research will lead to recommendations for development of effective leadership practiced and a strengthened safety climate within and across ward teams. The chief investigators will present the results to the relevant teams, if requested to do so.

    In addition, we expect to present the research at a leading psychology/management conferences, and to publish a paper in a leading journal.

  • REC name

    West Midlands - Edgbaston Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    21 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion