Lancashire Observational Health Data Science Database

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Vishnu Vardhan Chandrabalan

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Lancashire Observational Health Data Science Database

  • REC name


  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    19 Jan 2024

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The LANDER research database is derived from information collected and stored by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This data is held in the electronic patient record and is entered by staff providing routine care when a patient attends the emergency department, a clinic appointment or needs admission. The LANDER database brings all the different types of data held by the hospital, such as diagnoses, treatments, vital signs, test results and more together in one place. This data is already collected and stored at great cost and effort by the NHS and its staff.

    Databases like ours can help unlock more of the data’s value by improving research capabilities whilst promoting security and conforming to publicly guided standards of ethical usage. This data is also translated to a common international coding language which helps standardise the data making it more usable. These two features of the database make it easier to control access to the data for research for security and help researchers perform analysis more reliably. It also promotes transparency by enabling detailed audit of all activity involving the data. If a person does not want their data used for this type of research, they can via the NHS Data-opt out.

  • Research programme

    LANDER will support multiple research communities working in population health and health inequalities, health informatics, service improvement and clinical trials. We have developed closer ties with our region’s local universities to increase research expertise and data science capacity to get the most out of the data for our residence whilst creating new partnerships across different disciplines and public bodies. We are working towards helping other regional hospitals convert their data onto the same common data model so we can do more collaborative research too. Our hospital and team also form part of the founding group for the UK chapter to OHDSI pronounced “Odyssey” which is an international consortium that created the common language we will use to support research. This means we could do “federated” research, regionally, nationally and internationally more readily. Importantly, these collaborations and methods of research require no personal and confidential data of any patient or member of the public to be shared with other organisations or countries. Your local hospital will protect that information whilst also ensuring it is used for the public benefit by improving local services or potentially discover new treatments - e.g. steroid treatments in Covid-19 pandemic was discovered using research on routinely collected data.

  • Research database title

    Lancashire Observational Health Data Science Database

  • Establishment organisation

    Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  • Establishment organisation address

    Royal Preston Hospital

    Sharoe Green Lane


    PR2 9HT