Kidney Function Evaluation using Cystatin C (KFC)
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Evaluation of Kidney Function in Patients with Cancer at risk of Sarcopenia using Cystatin C
Contact name
John Prowle
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Barts Health NHS Trust
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 0 months, 3 days
Research summary
Patients with cancer often require chemotherapy and one in five patients receiving this treatment will suffer kidney damage. Kidney function is monitored by taking a blood test to measure creatinine, a substance released by muscle and removed by kidneys. However, due to muscle wasting, this test can be inaccurate in patients with cancer.
An alternative blood test to creatinine is Cystatin C. This test is not affected by muscle loss and has been shown to better detect kidney damage in patients receiving chemotherapy. As patients with cancer are at high risk of both kidney disease and muscle wasting, they may benefit from having kidney and muscle health measured with cystatin C.
We aim to measure cystatin C in 60 patients diagnosed with cancer under the care of Barts Health NHS Trust. Participants will have a blood test taken, to measure cystatin C and creatinine, prior to starting cancer treatment. We will then compare this with using creatinine and a more complicated but highly accurate “gold standard test”. There will also be two simple questionnaires to complete that will look at nutrition and quality of life. Following completion of cancer treatment, participants will receive a telephone call from a member of the research team to check up on health progress and repeat a questionnaire. The blood tests will also then be repeated, at the same time as routine blood tests as part of treatment follow up. Participants will not need to make any additional visits on top of planned treatment. Health records will be reviewed electronically during the study and up to one year after the study.
REC name
London - Westminster Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
7 Nov 2024
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion