Investigating the relationship between hypoxia and metabolism
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Investigating the relationship between hypoxia and metabolism.
Contact name
Christopher Imray
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Research summary
The purpose of this study is to investigate how exposure to hypoxia over extended periods can impact metabolic function, at both physiological and biochemical levels.
Hypoxia occurs in a variety of medical conditions: chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD), asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, apnoea or congestive cardiac failure, to name a few. The relationship between these disease and metabolic syndrome and inflammatory response has recently become evident. This study will enable key relationships to be identify, and accurately quantify, the biochemical and physiological variables affected by hypoxic exposure; creating new hypotheses, with supporting evidence and pilot data, to assist in explaining the affects of hypoxia on metabolism, potentially leading to the diagnosis and treatment.REC name
West Midlands - Coventry & Warwickshire Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
4 Sep 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion