INPUT questionnaire database

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Whitney Scott

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    INPUT database

  • REC name

    South Central - Oxford C Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    19 Dec 2017

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    All patients attending the service are invited to consent to and complete paper based or electronic questionnaires. The questionnaires are stored securely and\nresponses are entered into an annonymised electronic database, which has restricted access to the research team.\nParticipants are informed that their participation in research is voluntary and they have the right to withdraw the information they have shared for research purposes without this affecting their clinical care.

  • Research programme

    INPUT Pain Management Unit provides 2 and 3 week residential multidisciplinary pain management programmes and assessments for individuals with chronic pain. It is an active clinical and research department. Participant data is collected regularly for use by theclinical team during a patient’s attendance at the service. Annonymised data is stored and analysed for both audit and\nresearch purposes. i.) audit: to evaluate our service and current practice, the benefit of which will be to ensure high standards ii.) research: to guide future research developments to contribute to the evidence base for chronic pain\ntreatment. [COVID-19 amendment 06/05/2020] During the Covid-19 pandemic, several questions will be added to the questionnaire packs to capture the specific impact of the pandemic on patients’ pain and physical, emotional, and social functioning. These questions will be removed once they are no longer clinically relevant. During the Covid-19 pandemic, several questions will be added to the questionnaire packs to capture the specific impact of the pandemic on patients’ pain and physical, emotional, and social functioning.

  • Research database title

    INPUT database

  • Establishment organisation

    INPUT Pain Management Unit

  • Establishment organisation address

    Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

    Ground Floor Gassiot House, St Thomas' Hospital

    Westminster Bridge Rd, London

    SE1 9RT