In-house donation of saliva for oral health research
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Development of methods for testing physical and chemical properties of saliva
Contact name
Alice Bordas
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
GSK Consumer Healthcare
Research summary
This study will involve the collection of saliva from one donor for its use in a laboratory research study. The laboratory study will investigate methodology for testing physical and chemical properties of saliva, and will take place over a period of 1 year (52 weeks). During this time regular donations of saliva will be required, normally one donation per week.
The research scientist conducting the method development will be the donor of the saliva. A member of the In-house clinical team will be consenting the research scientist before any donation takes place.
The samples will be taken by the donor in the In-House Clinical facilities at GSK Consumer Healthcare Weybridge. A maximum of 5 ml of saliva will be collected per donation.
Donation will take place by the methods of stimulated and unstimulated expectoration depending on the type of methodology being developed. The method of donation will be recorded in the Saliva Tracking Log at the time of donation.
Each sample will be numbered with a sample number at the time of collection, which will also be recorded in the Saliva Tracking Log. The number will not be traceable back to the donor. This log will be used to track the sample until its disposal.
The saliva samples will not be stored. The research scientist will be the custodian of the saliva samples until their disposal.REC name
North West - Preston Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
24 Dec 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion