Imperial Hepatology & Gastroenterology Biobank (IHGB)

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Research summary

    Imperial Hepatology and Gastroenterology Biobank (IHGB)

  • REC name

    South Central - Oxford C Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    10 Nov 2020

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Biomaterial collected and stored in the Biobank will include: Blood, DNA, RNA, leukocytes, saliva, oropharyngeal mucosal cells, urine, bile aspirate, pancreatic juice aspirate, ascitic fluid, small bowel aspirate, faeces, normal tissue and diseased tissue.

    All samples will be processed and stored according to written SOPs and in the format that maximises their integrity and scientific usefulness. This will usually involve initial processing and then storage at minus eighty centigrade freezers.

    Good quality demographic and clinical data will be associated with each sample. Date of birth, sex, ethnicity, date of sample collection, diagnosis, disease severity, past medical history, current drug history and laboratory indices contemporaneous to sample collection will be collected. The data will be pseudo-anonymised and collected from the patient and derived from the clinical record once informed consent for such access has been given. Access to clinical records will be by approved research staff.

    The samples will be stored within the Hepatology Unit at Imperial College London at St Mary's (10th Floor QEQM). The Imperial Hepatology and Gastroenterology Biobank fully conforms to HTA regulation. All Biobank freezers are constantly monitored by T-Scan remote alarm systems and are kept in rooms which are locked and entry is by authorised pincode.

  • Research programme

    This Biobank’s primary purpose is to facilitate high quality research within Imperial College but applications from external groups to use specimens and data will also be considered. The Imperial Hepatology and Gastroenterology Biobank will enhance the extensive, high quality research already carried out in the Department of Hepatology & Gastroenterology. It will increase the speed with which adequate cohort sizes can be reached, new techniques applied and new hypotheses tested. It will maximise the use of materials already being collected for specific projects in future studies. It is expected that any group using material from the Biobank will publish their findings in peer reviewed journals. It is expected that the IHGB will be acknowledged in such papers. Groups that have made use of the IHGB may be invited to present their findings at the Departmental research meeting at an early stage. Applications for access to the IHG Biobank samples will be accepted from any internal or legitimate external UK research groups that are undertaking research into gastrohepatological function, disease and related risk factors.

  • Storage license


  • RTBTitle

    Imperial Hepatology and Gastroenterology Biobank (IHGB)

  • Establishment organisation

    Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust & Imperial College London

  • Establishment organisation address

    Hepatology, 10th Floor, QEQM

    St Mary's Hospital Campus, South Wharf Road


    W2 1NY