Impact of addition of DBT in diagnostic workup of breast lesions.
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Evaluation of impact of addition of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) in diagnostic work up of breast lesions.
Contact name
Nigel Rogers
Sponsor organisation
Kingston and St Georges Joint Faculty of Heath, Social care and Education.
Duration of Study in the UK
2 years, 5 months, 31 days
Research summary
Research Question: What is the role Of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) in diagnostic workup of breast lesions especially cases with suspected BIRADS category 4 and 5 breast lesions in the determination of multifocality, multicentricity and lesion size as compared to histology and whether the addition of DBT improves the definition of radiological features of various types of breast lesions in different breast compositions?
The research will aim to evaluate the diagnostic performance and potential impact of DBT on the detection and characterization of breast carcinomas in both symptomatic and screening patients.
DBT is a technique that involves the three dimensional imaging of the breast. This enables the overlapping breast parenchyma to be distinguished from more discrete breast lesions. Hence, it resolves the limitations of conventional mammography through the creation of images from three dimensional data
Eligibility:The medical records of women aged 25 years or older presenting in the breast clinic who were symptomatic with the breast lumps on clinical examination and were imaged by DBT and mammography, women who were proved to have breast cancer and underwent mammography and DBT as a part of diagnostic work up and women recalled from NHS breast screening programme (NHSBSP) and had DBT performed in the assessment clinic will be reviewed retrospectively.
Between July 2017 and December 2019 all the women who underwent both DBT and mammography through either screening or symptomatic pathways will constitute the population of this study.
The study will be conducted retrospectively at the Breast Screening Unit of Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust (which is a district General Hospital).So it will be retrospective, single centre and quantitative cohort research.REC name
REC reference