Impact of a Respiratory Pharmacist independent Prescriber.
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Impact of a Respiratory Pharmacist Independent Prescriber on patient outcomes.
Contact name
Andrzej Kostrzewski
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Hertfordshire
Research summary
Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are examples of respiratory conditions currently being prescribed for by both supplementary and independent pharmacists, and nurses. A limited number of studies have reported on the impact of a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber(PIP) in respiratory disease. The aim of this study is to examine the quality of service provided by a PIP for people suffering from asthma/COPD.
This is a Case Study design of a single PIP located within the Lynwood Medical centre, Romford in Essex. The PIP currently delivers two asthma/COPD clinical sessions each week.
The data from the electronic medical record(ePMR) system in the medical centre will be searched for relevant information about the breathing of patients with asthma/COPD and a patient satisfaction questionnaire will be distributed by a fourth year undergraduate pharmacy student. The objectives of the study are to:
a) Evaluate patient adherence to their medicines.
The ePMR will be examined for the supply of respiratory medicines. Number of items issued one year prior to attending the pharmacist clinic and for a minimum period of three months after.
b) Impact made by the Pharmacist Independent Prescriber’s intervention
The ePMR of those patients who have evidence of uncontrolled condition will be examined for any change after being seen by the pharmacist.
c) Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction –
A modified AQ20 questionnaire (Barley EA, Quirk FH and Jones PW.,1998)that asks questions about the patients breathing and quality of service provided by the PIP will be used.
d) The effect of interventions by Pharmacist Independent Prescriber on hospital admissions.
Information regarding patient hospital admissions will be ascertained from the patient’s questionnaire and ePMR.
e)Examine the Medication cost implication of an Pharmacist Independent Prescriber
PACT data published monthly by the NHS will be studied for the cost associated with the respiratory treatments in patients seeb by the PIP.REC name
Yorkshire & The Humber - Leeds East Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
17 Jul 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion