Hepatitis C Anonymous Seroprevalence Study in A&E

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Retrospective anonymous testing of biochemistry samples: Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus infection in Emergency Department attendees



  • Contact name

    Chloe Orkin

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    Barts Health NHS Trust

  • Research summary

    Of the 58,000 people estimated to be living with chronic HCV infection in London, 7693(13%) live in East London(5) . With local HCV prevalence amongst the highest in the UK, the inclusion of HCV testing in Emergency Departments (ED) may lead to a significant increase in HCV diagnoses. Currently, HCV testing is not part of the routine testing algorithm for ED patients, unless specifically requested. Early diagnosis not only enables engagement of the individual with healthcare services, there are also significant public health benefits in terms of reduced transmissions (2).

    Before HCV testing can be introduced as part of the routine ED screen, evidence for significant prevalence within this population must be demonstrated. Besides being essential in changing clinical practice, evidence may also provide the economic justification for such a service to be commissioned. We propose to select and test unlinked biochemistry samples from ED attendees for up to 2-5 full days (August 1-5 2014)to be tested for HCV. This would allow testing of samples from 1000 patients. Samples will be retrieved and given a new laboratory identification number. All existing patient identifiers will be removed in order that samples cannot be linked back to the patient. Basic patient demographic including age, gender and ethnicity will be collected before anonymisation. Identification, retrieval and anonymisation will be carried out by laboratory staff not involved in HCV testing. The laboratory database will be the only resource used in the process.

  • REC name

    East Midlands - Derby Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    7 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion