Helping People with Medicines: Carers and Pharmacists (v1)

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Carers and Pharmacists (CAP): experience and understanding of legal and ethical frameworks



  • Contact name

    Felicity Smith

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    University College London

  • Identifier

    Z6364106/2014/06/11, UCL Data Protection Registration Number

  • Research summary

    Collection of medicines from a pharmacy by carers presents opportunities for pharmacists and carers to discuss problems and concerns to ensure optimal outcomes for patients. However, from the pharmacist’s and carer’s perspective, the provision of advice by a pharmacist in the context of the need for confidentiality and liaison with other providers, is unclear.

    Aim: This study aims to improve understanding of the current and potential role of pharmacy services in supporting carers of older people

    1. to review and analyse current legal and ethical guidelines that underpin the practice of pharmacists when supporting older people (some of whom will lack mental capacity) with carers.
    2. to determine perspectives of pharmacists and health/social care professionals on interpretation of these frameworks in terms of supporting carers.
    3. to obtain carers’ understanding and experience of the role of pharmacy and other services in assisting them in medication-related activities.
    4. to suggest ways in which carers and pharmacists may have a clearer understanding of what information and support can be provided so that they are working together for the benefit of the patient.
    5. to inform policy and guidelines on the role of pharmacists in supporting carers, including identifying gaps in both.

    A review of the literature will be undertaken to meet objective 1. Data for objectives 2 and 3 will be obtained from approximately 60 group and/ or individual interviews with carers, pharmacists and health/social care professionals. Carers will be identified through carers’ support groups and community pharmacies.

    The study will identify relevant guidelines regarding support for carers and highlight potential dilemmas in their interpretation and operation. The study will result in recommendations for health care professionals to address the needs of carers and will provide clarity for pharmacists, carers and the people they care for.

  • REC name

    South Central - Oxford C Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    29 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion