Health Visitor Experiences of Developing Resilience [COVID-19]
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Health Visitor experiences of developing resilience when supporting vulnerable infants and families, and the role of self-compassion in this process: A narrative exploration.
Contact name
Ann/M Pettit
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Anglia Ruskin University Identifier
FREP/ 19/937 , ARU Faculty Research Ethics Panel ; N/A, Homerton University NHS Foundation Trust
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 4 months, 1 days
Research summary
The research will use a qualitative, multi-phased narrative longitudinal approach. The research will be conducted online to facilitate the personal safety of participants and the researcher. GDP compliant online platforms will be used. 3 phases of research will take place over a 3-4 month period. 10 health visitors will be purposively selected including newly qualified and experienced practitioners. Registered HVs practicing in the UK within the past 5 years who have experience of supporting vulnerable infants and families and are employed by the healthcare organisation will be invited to participate. The maximum time commitment for participants will be 7.5 hours.
1: Individual online interviews.
2a: Online self-compassion course based on similar training I have already delivered in a teaching context. Participants invited to complete written reflections followed by an online group dialogue to review key points about self-compassion and share views.
2b: Online written reflection of the participant’s HV resilience story from the perspective of a compassionate friend and their written reflection about the process.
3: Online Group dialogue to share their resilient story and views about self-compassion followed by a further online group dialogue where they share views about what to include in a compassionate resilient programme.Aims: To identify what facilitates HV resilience when supporting vulnerable infants, to explore HVs perceptions about whether self-compassion can contribute to their resilience, and their views about what could be included in a compassionate resilient programme.
Questions: These will explore HV’s perceptions and develop an understanding of:
• What can HVs tell us about their experiences of being resilient when supporting vulnerable infants and families?
• What are HVs perceptions about the role of self-compassion in facilitating HV resilience when supporting vulnerable infants and families?
• What can we learn from HV experiences that could inform the development of a compassionate, resilient support programme?REC name
REC reference