Global FKRP Registry

  • Research type

    Research Database

  • Full title

    Global FKRP Registry



  • Contact name

    Becky Davis

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Global FKRP Registry

  • REC name

    North East - Newcastle & North Tyneside 1 Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    25 Nov 2013

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    This international registry will make the recruitment of FKRP patients for trials/studies much easier by helping to identify suitable patients for particular trials/studies more readily and enable them to be contacted and informed more quickly when there is a trial/study they might be interested in. The best way to ensure that this happens is to make sure that patients’ details are all collected in a single database or “registry” that contains all the information that researchers will need, including each patient’s particular genetic defect and other key information about that condition. A registry can also provide useful information on disease prevalence and the natural history (progression) of conditions. Patients affected by conditions caused by mutations in the Fukutin Related Protein (FKRP) gene are very rare. Without a patient registry to gather details from all patients worldwide in one place, finding enough patients for a meaningful trial can take years, delaying the testing of potential therapies. Patient numbers in different countries will be very low due to the rare nature of these conditions so it is more efficient to have one international registry that collects the information rather than having many national registries.

  • Research programme

    Patients registered with the Global FKRP Registry will have their details stored so that if they match the eligibility criteria of a clinical trial/study they can be made aware of this and have the chance of participating. This may result in patients receiving cutting edge treatments. Secondly, registered patients will also be kept informed about latest developments, including standards of care relevant to their disease, and will also be provided with up to date information in the form of annual newsletters and email correspondence.

  • Research database title

    Global FKRP Registry

  • Establishment organisation

    Newcastle University

  • Establishment organisation address

    Institute of Genetic Medicine

    International Centre for Life

    NE1 3BZ