Generation of thoracic dose constraints based on BED

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Generation of thoracic dose constraints based on biologically equivalent dose for patients from the IDEAL-CRT trial



  • Contact name

    Karen Venables

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    0 years, 8 months, 30 days

  • Research summary

    Lung cancer patients routinely have radiotherapy as part of their treatment. Radiotherapy treatments must balance the tumour control probabilities with any potential toxicities due to exposure of radiation. To this end there are several different treatment schedules that may be used to treat these patients. The effect of radiation is determined not only by total dose, but also the way the dose is delivered. So, each of these regimes have different dose constraints for critical organs to ensure that the occurrence and severity of toxicity for these patients is at an acceptable level. One treatment approach that has recently been used in clinical trials is an isotoxic approach. This allows for individualised dose escalation with the potential to improve tumour control. In these cases, the dose per fraction will vary, thus the effective dose received by critical organs will vary from traditional treatments, which means that the dose constraints may need to be revised. If we are able to use biological modelling, the dose for each patient may be converted into biologically effective dose (BED). Through analysis of previous patients from an Isotoxic trial, it may be possible to determine dose constraints that are effective for all treatment regiments when the dose is converted to BED and this is what this project aims to accomplish using data from the IDEAL-CRT trial.

  • REC name


  • REC reference
