Foreign National Patient Experience
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A mixed methods approach to exploring the experiences of foreign national patients in a medium and low secure psychiatric hospital.
Contact name
M Tavakol
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Nottingham
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 1 months, 0 days
Research summary
Foreign Nationals are a growing population within prison and hospital settings. Currently there is minimal research exploring the needs of foreign national offenders, and there is no research exploring the experiences and quality of life of foreign national offenders within secure hospital settings in the UK.
The outcomes of this research can ensure we are addressing the current problems foreign national patients are experiencing. The outcomes of this research will also help inform policy and procedure that are currently being developed by the social work team within the Bracton Centre and Memorial Hospital to improve the care pathway for foreign national patients.
Furthermore, it has been observed that foreign national patients are offered fewer opportunities to engage meaningfully with psychology. This research will help us understand what the barriers to engaging with psychology assessments and treatments are. In addition, it will provide a basis for future research to explore the current psychology support that is offered, and how the assessment period and treatment can be adapted to meet the needs of FN patients.
Patients will be recruited from the Bracton Centre and Memorial Hospital. The study will be completed in two parts:
Part A:
The study will involve interviews with FN patients detained under the Mental Health Act ((MHA) 1983). It aims to explore their specific needs, how they perceive the support provided, and their experiences of engaging with psychology services. Data will be analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA).
Part B:
The study will involve asking patients to complete the Mental Health Quality of Life questionnaire (Van Krugten, Busschbach, Versteegh, Hakkaart-van Roijen, & Brouwer, 2021). Existing data routinely administered on mental well-being (using the CORE-10 (Barkham et. al., 2013)) will also be collated. Outcomes between FN and all other patients (British/right to stay) will be compared.REC name
South Central - Hampshire A Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
27 Sep 2024
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion