Food Glorious Food
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Food Glorious Food: A mixed methods evaluation of food-related practices in post-diagnostic community-based group support for people affected by dementia
Contact name
Shirley Evans
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Worcester
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 7 months, 30 days
Research summary
Food is not just about getting enough to eat, it is important in how we live our lives, see ourselves and interact with others. Preparing and eating meals together can be a chance to spend time with people and use different skills. Community groups that support people with dementia often give people the chance to eat together or involve food in their activities. This can encourage people to go along to groups and help overcome some of the stigma around dementia, and can help people connect socially, take part in activities, celebrate their own culture, and eat well.
However, it can be hard to get right. People with dementia may feel self-conscious when eating or need extra support. Food choices can be personal and people may be put off coming along if they don’t like the food on offer. The right equipment and training is needed to work with food safely. Some community groups may think twice about providing food and miss out on the possible benefits.
Past studies have focussed on how to get people to eat enough food or eat healthily, usually in care homes or hospitals. Not much is known about the wider benefits to people’s health and happiness of including food in community group support. We want to learn about the benefits and difficulties of doing things such as providing meals and snacks or preparing food together.
We will go along to six different community groups attended by people living with dementia and those that care for them, to see what they do and talk to people about their experiences. We will then use what they tell us to find out why things do and don’t work for people in different circumstances. People living with dementia, family carers and community providers will provide project guidance throughout.
REC name
Wales REC 7
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
20 Sep 2024
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion