Fitness to Treat (FiTT)
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Fitness to Treat: effectiveness of a clinical assessment for older men with cancer (FiTT)
Contact name
Diana Greenfield
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Research summary
Cancer Specific Geriatric Assessment (CSGA) has been validated in several tumour groups and is recommended by the International Society of Geriatric Oncology(SIOG). CSGA is not currently routinely used in our hospital. The primary aim of this small feasibility study is to establish whether extra information from a CSGA has the potential to alter the clinician’s intended patient management plan for older men with advanced prostate cancer and multiple myeloma. We plan to recruit 60 men over the age of 60 yrs (30 with advanced prostate cancer and 30 with advanced multiple myeloma). After taking Informed Consent, we will ask them to undergo the CSGA which involves some simple non-invasive physical tests and complete a range of questionnaires, relating to their general health and quality of life. We believe this will take a total of approximately 45 mins. The procedures may take place in suitable hospital premises or at the patient’s home address. The extra information obtained will be summarised and presented to their treating clinician approximately two weeks following the routine consultation ie after the management plan has been decided. As a result of the CSGA, clinicians will later record: 1) whether the extra information has the potential to alter the clinical management plan; 2) detail the potential alterations. Actual changes to the management plan are beyond the scope of the current study.
The results of this work will provide the foundation for a larger programme of study by using the CSGA to assess the holistic health status and common issues in our local population of elderly men with prostate cancer and myeloma. It will also provide feasibility information for conducting and interpreting the CSGA.
REC name
Yorkshire & The Humber - Leeds West Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
22 Jan 2014
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion