Fieldwork as Part of Evaluating Care Homes in Essex
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Research interviews with residents, their families, and care staff participating in the evaluation of Essex care homes to identify the particular local factors that have resulted in positive developments for residents and staff
Contact name
Gillian Granville
Contact email
Research summary
This is a 10-month evaluation of Essex care homes for older people by the National Development Team for Inclusion, funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of their Ageing Society programme. The focus is on risk and relationships in care homes because the overall picture of risk and regulation in care homes for older people is contradictory, complex and contested in terms of quality, commissioning and public perception.
The overarching research question the evaluation is seeking to address is: “What is Essex County Council doing differently to improve relationships around commissioning and care home provision in Essex and what is the impact on staff, residents and their families?”
Eligibility for inclusion in the research is older people living in Essex care homes who may or may not lack the capacity to consent to participate; their families and carers, and the care home managers and care staff chosen from a sampling process. Other people involved will be care home managers involved in My Home Life Essex initiative, Essex County Council commissioners and Essex County Council Quality Improvement Team staff.
There will be:
• 10 in depth case study sites centred on 10 care homes to include:
o Interview with care home manager
o 30 minute observation of the care home carried out in areas of the home where residents have had a choice whether to participate
o Focus group of 8-10 people sampled from care staff, ancillary staff, residents and family members
o 3-5 one to one arranged semi-structured interviews with residents and including a consultee, where agreed
• One focus group of 6-8 staff members of the Quality Improvement Team,
• Focus group of 10-12 care home managers involved in the My Home Life Leadership programme who have volunteered to be interviewed.
• 20 telephone interviews with senior professionals and stakeholders who can offer an overview and context for the changes in Essex care home relationships.REC name
Social Care REC
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
2 Jul 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion