Feasibility and Acceptability Study of a Paediatric Asthma Action Plan

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Feasibility and Acceptability Study of a Paediatric Asthma Action Plan with Qualitative Evaluation.



  • Contact name

    Stephanie Jones

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    University of Central Lancashire

  • Research summary

    In 2013, the Health Improvement Service was commissioned by a CCG in the North West of England to undertake a Paediatric Respiratory Needs Analysis. The objective was to identify potential, evidence-based interventions that may contribute to reducing urgent care respiratory episodes in the 0-18 age group. One of the 5 recommendations featured in the ensuing report advised the implementation of a hand held, paediatric asthma action plan to the patient consultation & review process.
    The British Guidelines on the Management of Asthma (BTS/SIGN 2011) and NICE Quality Standard for Asthma (2013) advocate that all patients with asthma should be offered a personalized asthma action plan, which contain instructions on how to self-manage the condition. There is compelling evidence indicating that asthma action plans are an effective component of self-management education, in that ownership of a Plan is associated with reduced risk of exacerbations and urgent care episodes.
    Despite the apparent benefits, it would appear that asthma action plans are not a universal feature of patient care. The recent Royal College of Physicians National Review of Asthma Deaths (2014) revealed that in only 23% of the cases audited, an Asthma Action Plan had been provided.
    Drawing on recent evidence relating to optimal Asthma Action Plan design and implementation strategies (Yin et al 2013, Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin 2005, Gibson and Powell 2004, Ring, et al 2012) and the results of extensive stakeholder consultation, a Paediatric Asthma Action Plan has been developed with a view to standardising use across Primary and Secondary Care within a District of the North West of England.
    The aim of the proposed study is to undertake feasibility study of the new Paediatric Asthma Action Plan developed through stakeholder consultation, with a view to exploring its acceptability and utility through questionnaires and interviews with health professionals and caregivers.

  • REC name

    South West - Cornwall & Plymouth Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    26 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion