Extracellular matrix in vitro disease modelling
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Development of human extracellular matrix biomaterials for in vitro disease models, target identification and drug development.
Contact name
Giuseppe Mazza
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Engitix ltd
Duration of Study in the UK
10 years, 0 months, 0 days
Research summary
The process of drug discovery currently is highly inefficient, with the
majority of compounds failing in late stage clinical trials because of lack of
efficacy.Previous drug discovery platforms relied on artificial substrates and/or
animal models. Considering clinical trials results, it is rather evident that
targets discovered and tested employing those models did not always met
the expectations. New approaches include lab-on-a-chips, bio-printing and
organoids. Each of those represent an incredible advancement towards
better models that can reproduce more human-like physiological conditions
in a three-dimensional in vitro model. However, those new techniques still
do not include extracellular matrix (ECM). Our research involves
investigating ways in which new drugs can be developed using more
physiological platforms without the use of animal studies. Human tissues
and organs are characterized by two main components: i) cells and ii) ECM
scaffolds. This latter is composed by ECM fibres that plays a key role in
tissue development as well as disease progression.We have developed a novel methodology (licensed from UCLB in 2017) to
remove cells from tissue and organs. This process is called
decellularization and it results in a tissue or organ scaffold ("acellular
material"). All that is left are the fibres which hold the organ together, with
gaps where the cells were present. The scaffold sponge is now stable and
can be stored for a very long time. The next step in our research is to 'seed'
different cells causing the disease into those scaffolds.The immediate benefit from our research is that it can be used to
investigate the function, biology of the organ, as well as diseases. By
cutting the scaffold into small pieces or developing hydrogels/bioinks from
the human scaffolds, we effectively make small 3D fully functioning organs
in the laboratory. These can be used to explore new treatments to
disease/illnesses as well as for in-house research servicesREC name
West of Scotland REC 3
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
8 Nov 2024
REC opinion
Unfavourable Opinion