Examining how HIV specialists promote physical activity
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Examining how HIV-specialists contribute to the promotion of physical activity in people living with HIV
Contact name
Martin Lamb
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Sheffield Hallam University
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 9 months, 0 days
Research summary
People with HIV (PWH) often develop chronic medical conditions. A lot of HIV care is now concerned with managing those conditions. Physical activity can help prevent or reduce the effect of several of these medical conditions. Studies show that many PWH are not active enough. Less than one in three PWH do as much activity each week as the government recommends. Promoting and encouraging physical activity is part of good HIV care but we do not know what this means in practice. We do not know whether and how HIV doctors and nurses promote physical activity during HIV clinic appointments and what factors influence the situation. This study aims to understand whether and how HIV doctors and nurses encourage and support PWH to be physically active. A total of 16-20 participants who run HIV clinics or see patients for routine care will be interviewed. They will be recruited from 6-8 HIV services across England and include people with different roles so we can explore the issues in detail. We will analyse the data using a structure called the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF). The TDF has been developed to help us understand the factors that influence behaviour. It has been widely used and is a useful structure for understanding the role of health care staff in promoting health behaviours.
REC name
REC reference