ePrescribing Systems a national evaluation: Patient Experience Study
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Investigating the implementation, adoption and effectiveness of ePrescribing systems in English hospitals: a mixed methods national evaluation: Work Package 1 Patient Experience Study
Contact name
B Williams
Sponsor organisation
The University of Edinburgh
Research summary
A number of international studies have shown that prescribing errors are common and are responsible for considerable, and potentially avoidable disease and death. Therefore there is a need to identify effective ways of improving the safety of prescribing. There may be potential in Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration systems (EPMA). However, these systems vary in functionality, inter-operability and costs. The overarching research programme aims to inform important national deliberations on the safe, effective and efficient procurement and implementation of EPMA systems into hospitals in England. This part of the research programme (Work package 1 patient experience study) aims to investigate the short- and longer-term implications for and impacts on patients of introducing EPMA systems into hospitals.
In order to do this, we will be recruiting hospital patients and their carers, as well as people from patient representative groups, and professionals. We will interview participants up to three times over a twelve month period. Interviews will be carried out to understand the perceived risks and benefits for patients associated with the introduction of EPMA systems.
REC name
London - London Bridge Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
15 Oct 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion