Donation of Saliva for pH profile studies of toothpaste in saliva,V1.0
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Donation of Saliva for pH profile studies of toothpaste in saliva, V1.0
Contact name
Alice Bordas
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
GSK Consumer Healthcare
Research summary
This study will involve the collection of saliva samples from human subjects for use in Oral Care Research. The human saliva will be used in an in vitro (laboratory) evaluation of the pH profiles of toothpaste in saliva. The use of human saliva will allow research scientists to duplicate in vitro the conditions found in the mouth.
Saliva donation will take place at the In-house Clinical facilities at GSK Consumer Healthcare Weybridge. Subjects will be recruited from permanent employees.
A single sample of a maximum of 10ml of saliva will be collected per donor. Each sample will be coded at the time of collection and logged into the ’saliva sample tracking log’. This log will be used to track the sample until its destruction.
The coding will not include any subject identifier information, and will not be directly traceable back to the individual donor.
The saliva samples will be pooled into a single sample before their use in the laboratory.
The study will involve one visit from each participant and is expected to last approximately 1 hour from screening to donation.REC name
South Central - Oxford C Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
3 Dec 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion