DIAMOND-Lewy Work Package 1, version 1.0 19.08.13
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Improving the diagnosis and management of neurodegenerative dementia of Lewy body type in the NHS (DIAMOND-Lewy): Work package 1
Contact name
John O'Brien
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Northumbria Healthcare NHS F Trust
Research summary
(i) To improve the recognition and prompt diagnosis of LBD through the introduction of a simple assessment tool.
(ii) To improve patient management and outcomes through the development and introduction of an evidence-based toolkit for clinicians.
The programme will involve memory/dementia assessment services and movement disorder services from NHS Trusts in North-East England and East Anglia. It consists of five interlinked work packages (WP) which will:
WP1: Examine the proportion of LBD cases currently diagnosed and compare the management pathways of LBD and non-LBD patients.
WP2: Explore and understand barriers and facilitators to improving the diagnosis and management of LBD in routine NHS practice.
WP3: Develop an evidence-based practical management toolkit to guide clinicians in the management of LBD. This will involve a systematic review of existing evidence and input from expert clinical and PPI panels.
WP4: Bring together methods for assessing the core LBD symptoms into a simple, quick (<6 minutes) assessment tool and pilot the assessment tool and management toolkit to ensure that they can be integrated into current NHS services.
WP5: Implement the assessment tool and conduct a cluster randomised trial of the management toolkit, to assess its impact on patient management and health outcomes.
This application is concerned with WP1 only.
REC name
North East - Newcastle & North Tyneside 1 Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
17 Oct 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion