Developing the NHS As A Reflective Learning Organisation

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    What are the perceived effects and benefits the Freedom To Speak Up Guardian and Confidential Contacts intend to provide for University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB)and how can these be supported by the organisation?



  • Contact name

    Bhawna Solanki

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    University of Wolverhampton

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    0 years, 4 months, 3 days

  • Research summary

    To evaluate speaking up at University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB), with a particular focus on the Trust’s development as a reflective learning organisation.
    The objectives of this study are:

    • To conduct a literature review on the Freedom To Speak Up Guardian (FTSUG) and Confidential Contacts (CC’s) role & responsibilities within a NHS organisation
    • To explore, discuss and examine the FTSUG and CC’s views, knowledge & opinions on the importance of these roles in providing a positive working environment, supportive of speaking up at UHB
    • To make recommendations to the UHB Board to meet the FTSUG and CC’s goals in developing a reflective learning organisation.

    Following the Mid Staffordshire enquiry, Sir Robert Francis (2015) recommended that each Trust appoint a ‘Freedom To Speak Up Guardian’ who could listen to and support staff with concerns about their working environment which had not been addressed through normal channels. The NHS Constitution (2015) pledges to provide a positive working environment for staff and to promote supportive, open cultures that help staff do their job to the best of their ability. The extent to which the FTSUGs meet these goals is currently unknown.

    When concerns are raised, it is important that organisations respond positively, learn from any mistakes of the past and put in place effective policies to prevent such mistakes from happening again.Organisations need to take steps to reassure staff, offer multiple avenues for raising concerns, and actively monitor where there may be problems.

    The research will employ qualitative methods: semi-structured interview via a focus group discussion. To explore the FTSUG and CC’s insights, meanings and interpretations of their roles, by means of content analysis of developing themes from the interview data. Drawing on their practice knowledge and expertise; to develop linkages between practice, research and policy, and recommendations. The group will be invited to respond to interview questions, to prompt & develop discussion, on raising concerns and awareness of the FTSUG and CC’s role. This will provide baseline data for the Trust Board at the start of the new roles in post at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QE) and with the already established and new roles at Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull Hospital sites (HGS).
    The discussion points will explore why FTSUG and CC’s have chosen to undertake these voluntary roles working alongside & in conjunction with their current job and their perceptions of the purpose and value this brings to the Trust. A qualitative methodological approach allows analysis of personal and emotional components, organisational culture and an awareness of any potential issues staff may have on raising concerns, ultimately impacting on patient safety. Qualitative data will be obtained through an audio recorded interview session(s), with a clear framework, semi-structured format, to prompt a focused discussion. This will provide valuable information from the responses to questions for the researcher. The researcher allowing some consideration in limiting the amount of information to analyse, to ensure this is achievable within the time constraints of the Dissertation Module. Gaining an understanding on why the employee(s) felt it was important to volunteer to become a Confidential Contact for the Trust and their own expectations on what this may achieve for the organisation and how other NHS employees and the NHS will benefit from the initiative.

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