COVID-19: Learning lessons from the community-led response in Wales

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Sustaining community-led action in recovery: learning lessons from the community response to COVID-19 in Wales



  • Contact name

    Charlotte Grey

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Public Health Wales

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    1 years, 12 months, 0 days

  • Research summary

    During the coronavirus pandemic, communities across Wales came together to support each other, for example, by delivering shopping, medicines, or providing care. It is known that those who are more educated or with higher income can have more opportunities to effect change locally; and that community support is important for building longer-term resilience in our communities.

    Early in the pandemic, we created an online map of need and the level of community support in response to COVID-19 across Wales. This showed us pockets of highly visible community support and some with lower support, even within more deprived areas.

    We want to understand why there was more community-led action in some deprived areas and not others. We will speak to people who provided (community members), received (self-isolating or shielding), and co-ordinated (voluntary organisations) community support, to answer:

    • What factors contributed to a strong community-led action in some areas of Wales but not others, and how did this support address the needs of the most vulnerable within the community?
    • How can community-led action help with addressing inequalities in health?
    • How can new and existing community-led action be sustained and effectively integrated into the health, third sector and social support system?

    We can use this information to ensure community-led action can be supported to help protect against the longer-term differences in the health, social and economic impact of COVID-19 across local areas.

  • REC name


  • REC reference
