Control of MRSA skin and wound colonisation 09/01
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Control of MRSA skin and wound colonisation 09/01
Eudract number
Research summary
The Dermol range of licensed antimicrobial emollients appears to have significant clinical potential in helping to control Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin and wound colonisation. These products, used widely in the treatment of dry skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, contain antiseptic ingredients that are effective against Staphylococcus aureus (SA), but are specially formulated in Ó?gentle? vehicles suitable for repeated, widespread application even to sensitive skin. Containing antiseptics rather than antibiotics, the antimicrobials used in the Dermol range are very unlikely to induce resistant strains of bacteria. This is important because existing antibiotic treatments used to combat MRSA are increasingly compromised by resistance. Significantly, the antiseptics are just as effective against MRSA as they are against normal SA.This trial is being performed to explore the usefulness of the Dermol range of antiseptic emollients in a Multi-Treatment Approach infection control strategy. Forty consenting MRSA-colonised community patients with uncomplicated venous leg ulcers scheduled to receive regular nursing treatment visits for the following 15 weeks will be randomised to two treatment groups (20 in each group). One group will receive normal best nursing practice. For the other group, in addition to receiving normal best nursing practice, their care routine will involve them and, to a lesser extent, their nurses, using the Dermol products in the various ways they can be applied all over the body (and inside the nose)as generalised skin antiseptics. This will continue for 12 weeks, with regular weekly nursing support and encouragement, and thereafter patients will be microbiologically screened for three consecutive weeks to determine the incidence of MRSA eradication.The study is being funded by Dermal Laboraories (the UK pharmaceuticalcompany that owns the licensed Dermol antiseptic emollients. Recruitment will commence in the Hereford area.
REC name
Wales REC 2
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
13 Mar 2009
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion