Comparing patient self assessed frailty to clinician assessed frailty
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A feasibility study to compare a self-assessed modified Rockwood clinical frailty score against the clinician assessed score in patients approaching major surgery
Contact name
Nathan Griffiths
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Tees Valley Research Alliance Identifier
not applicable, not applicable
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 6 months, 28 days
Research summary
Frailty is assessed before surgery by doctors using the Rockwood clinical frailty score for patients over 65 years in clinic on assessment. Frailty has been shown to correlate closely with peri-operative outcomes.
Currently, due to the Covid pandemic, there has been a push to work remotely where possible so if patients could accurately score themselves, this would be a significant push towards facilitating a remote pre-assessment clinic. We aim to compare a small cohort of patients who have self scored themselves using a modified Rockwood score against the clinician derived score they have been allocated to assess for correlation.REC name
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
11 Aug 2021
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion