Collection of additional pancreatic cancer specimens for research

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Research summary

    Additional Pancreatic Tissue Biorepository

  • REC name

    West of Scotland REC 4

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    13 Nov 2017

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    This biobank will collect tissue from patients with suspected pancreatic disease, in particular pancreatic mass lesions will undergo tissue collection through preoperative Endoscopic Ultrasound guided biopsies, blood and urine sampling. This will expand the available resource beyond tissue obtained at surgical resection to the collection of blood, urine, and pancreatic biopsies samples from patients with both resectable and resectable disease therefore broadening the applicability of the tissue bank.

    The patients will be identified following discussion at the regional multidisciplinary meeting and will be approached by a clinical member of the research team prior to the patient undergoing a routine investigation or treatment.

    The GGC Bio-repository has a custodian role of this bespoke collection on behalf of the Glasgow Pancreatic Research Group, overseeing the release and transfer of such samples according to the wishes of the Glasgow Pancreatic access committee.

  • Research programme

    Our main areas of interest include 'biomarker' research, or proteins that are indicative of malignant processes that can be sampled from human samples. Biomarkers provide a novel opportunity to explore new diagnostics as well as provide objective markers in disease treatment. A principal problem with pancreaticobiliary cancers is late clinical presentation. By studying new biomarkers we hope to identify markers of the disease that can be used to detect disease at early and treatable stage. It is envisaged that this preoperative pancreatic tissue biorepository will provide an invaluable resource for both clinicians and scientists involved in the management of pancreatic cancer. It will assist in the development of molecular markers of pancreatic cancer that will in future assist in the earlier diagnosis as well as target specific therapies to patients with particular types of pancreatic cancer in effort to improve treatment and importantly survival.

  • RTBTitle

    Additional Pancreatic Tissue Biorepository

  • Establishment organisation

    NHSGGC Bio-repository

  • Establishment organisation address

    Pathology department,

    Queen Elizabeth University Hospital


    G51 4TF