Collection and storage of tissue for research

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Contact name

    James P Neilson

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Liverpool Women's Research Tissue Bank

  • REC name

    North West - Liverpool Central Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    17 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Data will be taken from clinical notes concerning demographic details, medical history and drug history. Each
    individual will be allocated a tissue bank number and data will be stored under this; and hence be entirely anonymous.
    The original proforma containing the demographic details will be stored along with the consent form in a locked filing
    cabinet. The access to the original forms will be limited to the tissue bank personnel, and will NOT be accessible to
    the investigators requesting samples from the tissue bank.

  • Research programme

    Tissue samples will be taken during caesarean sections: Myometrial, placenta and fetal membranes approximately 1 x 1 cm. Tissue samples will be collected during gynaecology surgery: if women are having a hysterectomy a small sample of womb, a portion of fallopian tube and ovary will be removed following the surgery. If women are NOT having a hysterectomy as part of the surgery or if a women NOT having surgery, a pipelle will be used to remove some cells from the inner lining of the womb. Blood, urine, saliva samples may also be taken at the same time that samples are taken for women's routine clinical care. Amniocentesis fluid that has been leftover from routine clinic sampling will also be collected. Vaginal and cerival swabs could be taken from some women at the same time as those taken as part of routine clinical care. Fluid drained from ascites as part of routine clinical care, that would normally be dicarded, could also be retained for storage. The tissue will be divded into several pieces; some will be used as fresh samples for immediate research, some prepared for storage in a freezer and some for storage in wax blocks. A further small piece may be stored for RNA and protein testing. Urine, blood, buccal swab and saliva samples will be divided into smaller portions and frozen. Some of the blood samples and buccal cells may be used to extract DNA for testing. Consent for donation of tissue samples will be in accordance with GCP guidance for seeking informed consent. Consent will be sought by GCP trained Research Midwives and doctors. A copy of the RTB information sheet and signed consent form will be given to the woman to keep, and a copy of the signed consent form filed in the woman's clinical notes and in the RTB laboratory. Research programme/community supported by the bank (maximum 200 words): The Research Tissue Bank at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust collects and stores tissue taken at surgery for research. By doing this the research tissue bank is able to build up a valuable collection that will be used by research groups investigating the process of labour and its complications as well as other complications affecting the female reproductive system. It is hoped that the resulting knowledge will help other women in the future.

  • RTBTitle

    Liverpool Women's Research Tissue Bank

  • Establishment organisation

    University of Liverpool

  • Establishment organisation address

    Main Campus


    L69 3BX