• Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Physical Condition in Kidney Transplant Recipients



  • Contact name

    Alice C Smith

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

  • Identifier

    14/EM/0149, EM Leicester

  • Research summary

    This research aims to find out about the physical capacity and everyday physical activity levels of kidney transplant patients and assess how these relate to important clinical health issues and quality of life. Kidney transplantation restores kidney function and reduces many of the problems and symptoms associated with kidney failure. However, people with a kidney transplant still experience health problems which increase their heart disease risk and affect their quality of life. The problems kidney transplant patients suffer also include weakness, fatigue, and wasting of the muscles and they often put on weight and may develop diabetes.

    For most people exercise can help reduce the chance of getting heart disease and can help a person become stronger, build muscle, control weight and feel more energetic. These benefits of exercise on the health problems that kidney transplant patients often face are well known and we know that kidney patients, without transplantation, can benefit from exercise as well. Whether or not the symptoms and risks experienced by kidney transplant patients will benefit similarly from exercise is not yet known.

    In this research project kidney transplant patients will have their physical ability measured and their day to day physical activity recorded for a week. Researchers will use this information to see whether or not the more active patients tend to be in better physical condition and better health with lower risk of heart disease.

    This study will be conducted in 20 transplant patients and will give the information needed to create an effective larger study. By finding out the health and physical ability differences between those who are more physically active and those who are less active, it will be possible to assess the need for, and goals of, potential exercise programmes for kidney transplant patients.

  • REC name

    East Midlands - Derby Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    21 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion