CLOSED (duplicate) TRUST Study: Raptiva in Hand & Foot Psoriasis
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A Phase IV multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Raptiva in the treatment of subjects with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis involving hands and/or feet, with or without pustules.
Sponsor organisation
Merck Serono S.A. - An affiliate of Merck KGaA
Eudract number
n.a Identifier
Research summary
This study will investigate howsafe and effective Raptiva is in the treatment of moderate to severe long-termplaque psoriasis specifically in subjects who also have some diseaseinvolvement in their hands and/or feet. Although currently available data showsthat Raptiva can effectively treat this disease (both overall, and specificallyin hands and feet), further data is required to substantiate the existinginformation. This trial is designed to compare Raptiva to placebo (a non-activedrug substitute). Although this is unusual in trials of drugs that are alreadylicensed, this allows the researchers to gain a more realistic measure of howeffective Raptiva is in this setting. This information is important, as handand foot psoriasis is particularly debilitating. At study start subjects willbe randomly assigned to receive either Raptiva or placebo, at a 2:1 ratio.Subjects in the Raptiva group will receive active drug for 12 weeks; subjectsin the placebo group will receive placebo for 12 weeks. After the first 12weeks, subjects in the Raptiva group who show at least a 50% improvement intheir disease, and all subjects in the placebo group, will continue on Raptivafor a further 12 weeks. Subjects responding to and tolerating Raptiva at theend of the study may be given the option to continue on this therapy. Subjectswill attend regular clinic visits for disease and general health assessments.The potential benefit for subjects will be either finding a drug for theirdisease to which they respond effectively, or finding a drug which they can tolerate(in terms of side effects) more easily. The study will recruit 168 subjects atapproximately 40 European'sites. Of these, up to 18 subjects will be recruitedat 3 UKsites. The study is being funded by the Sponsor, Merck Serono S.A.
REC name
East of England - Cambridge East Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
10 Nov 2008
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion