Childhood uveitis

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Childhood uveitis: incidence, systemic associations, initial management and one-year outcomes



  • Contact name

    Annegret Dahlmann-Noor

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Moorfields Eye Hospital

  • Research summary

    We wish to establish a robust estimate of the incidence of inflammation inside the eye (uveitis) in children age 0-16 years in the UK, which hospitals children present to, where they are referred to, which treatment they receive during the first year after diagnosis, and how well they can see at the end of the first year.
    We therefore propose to run a high-quality surveillance study, together with the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU)at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and with the Scottish Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (SOSU). BOSU and SOSU operate a monthly reporting card scheme. All UK consultant ophthalmologists and associate specialists receive a monthly ‘report card’ with a list of conditions being surveyed. Reporting clinicians will tick a box if they have seen a case of childhood uveitis in the preceeding month, and return the card to BOSU/SOSU, who will inform us, the study investigators.

    Following reporting of a new case, we will directly contact reporting clinicians and send them a clinical proforma to collect clinical details about the case. At 12 months, a follow-up questionnaire will be sent. We will use only information available from patient case notes, with no direct patient contact.

    Our principal aim is to determine incidence of childhood uveitis in the UK. Secondary aims are to identify presentation patterns, referral pathways, associated medical conditions, management, and outcomes.

    This study will be carried out at two main sites – Moorfields Eye Hospital, London (collecting data via BOSU for England/Northern Ireland/Wales), and Ninewells Hospital, Dundee (collecting data via SOSU for Scotland).

  • REC name

    South West - Central Bristol Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    18 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion