Child weigHt mANaGement for Ethnically diverse communities: CHANGE

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Development of a culturally adapted weight management programme for children of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin



  • Contact name

    Miranda Pallan

  • Contact email

  • ISRCTN Number


  • Research summary

    This study will develop and test a programme for parents with an overweight/obese child that aims to help them reduce their child’s weight through improved diet and increased activity. In Birmingham, a children's weight management programme is currently available. Families from Bangladeshi and Pakistani (BP) communities tend to start but not complete the programme.

    The two-phase study will take place in Birmingham, which has a BP population of 20%. In phase one the existing children's weight management programme will be adapted to ensure relevance to BP families. We will review literature on effectiveness of children's weight management programmes, and invite BP parents of overweight children to take part in individual/group interviews to explore reasons why they did or did not attend/complete the available children's weight management programme. We will use the resulting information, together with what is already known about adapting health promotion services for minority ethnic groups, to develop a modified programme, tailored to BP communities, but also suitable for a diverse population.

    In phase two we will test the modified programme's acceptability to families, and test the methods for a future study to determine the programme's effectiveness and value for money. The new programme will be tested in families from all ethnicities to assess acceptability in both BP and non-BP families. We will recruit 120 families with an overweight/obese child aged 4-11 years; 60% from BP families. Each child will be randomly allocated to the modified or existing programme. We will assess how many BP families and how many families overall complete the modified programme. We will measure children and parents before they start the programmes, immediately after the programmes finish, and 6 months after the programmes. Measurements include weight and body fat measures, food intake, physical activity, psychological assessments and assessments of parental behaviours.

  • REC name

    West Midlands - Edgbaston Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    28 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion