Characterisation of breast tumours by Fast Field Cycling MRI
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Characterisation of breast tumours by Fast Field Cycling MRI
Contact name
Valerie Speirs
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
The University of Aberdeen
Duration of Study in the UK
2 years, 0 months, 1 days
Research summary
This study will focus on determining if Fast Field-Cycling MRI, a novel type of MRI scanner situated in the University of Aberdeen, can detect and characterise breast tumours.
The study will include 40 patients with different grades and types of invasive and non-invasive breast cancer, approximately 10 patients with benign breast conditions and 10 healthy volunteers. NHS Patients will be identified and recruited by their treating clinicians within the Breast Unit. Healthy volunteers will be recruited via posters distributed throughout the hospital and at the University.
Each patient will have one conventional MRI scan if clinically indicated along with a FFC-MRI scan. After full histological assessment has been completed the results will be collected.
Each healthy volunteer will undergo one FFC-MRI scan only. No further data will be collected from volunteers as this is mainly to get a baseline of what normal breast tissue should look like.
Data analyses will be performed using adequate statistical methods depending on the distribution of the random variables associated with the data. Previous results showed that Pearson correlation moments were adapted for most of the FFC-MRI biomarkers, but new information is likely to appear from that study that will need adequate analyses.
REC name
North of Scotland Research Ethics Committee 1
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
29 Apr 2019
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion