Changes to communication and swallowing after transoral surgery; V1
Research type
Research Study
Full title
EPOCH: Early Post-Operative CHanges to function following transoral surgery for oropharyngeal cancer Work-package 2: Qualitative Interviews What are the experiences and priorities regarding changes to communication and swallow for patients and informal carers after transoral surgery for oropharyngeal cancer?
Contact name
Sarah Stephen
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Liverpool
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 6 months, 0 days
Research summary
Oropharyngeal cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the back of the throat, tonsil or back of the tongue. Rates of oropharyngeal cancer are increasing significantly. Treatment can include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery which can have a devastating impact on swallowing, communication and quality of life. Recently, there has been increased use of transoral surgery where the cancer is removed through the open mouth, using a laser or a robot. This approach may achieve better swallowing and communication outcomes, but we don't know what changes to swallowing and communication are experienced in the first 6 weeks after surgery.Aim:
This study will look at how transoral surgery affects swallowing and communication in the first 6-weeks after surgery.
Design and methods:
I will carry out interviews with patients and their families/friends (referred to as 'informal carers' throughout) to explore their experiences of changes to communication and swallowing in the 6-weeks after surgery.I will use the results to answer the following:
• What changes to communication and swallowing do patients experience?
• How does this impact them?
• How does this impact their informal carers?
• What is important to patients and their informal carers?
• How can we support patients and their informal carers?
• How can we best measure the changes they experience?Patient and public involvement:
• This project has been developed with patients with experience of transoral surgery, and their families. They highlighted the importance of improving swallowing and communication outcomes and helped design the research plan.
• Patients and their families, alongside members of the public will be involved throughout this research. They will advise on all patient information, recruitment processes, understanding the results and sharing results with the public.Dissemination:
The findings of the research will be shared with the public by presenting the findings at charity and local survivorship events; social media; web-site posts.REC name
North of Scotland Research Ethics Committee 2
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
15 Nov 2024
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion