Cardiovascular eHospital Research Database (eCamCVD) v1

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Angela Wood

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Cardiovascular eHospital Research Database (eCamCVD)

  • REC name

    East of England - Cambridge Central Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    13 Feb 2023

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The eCamCVD database will comprise of person-level data from the CUH electronic health record (EHR) for patients receiving medical care related to cardiovascular disease. The EHR includes, but is not limited to, data from the electronic hospital notes system (Epic), the imaging system (PACS), and other relevant hospital informant systems. The database will include person-level structured data on demographics, length of hospital stay, in-hospital deaths, diagnoses, procedures, imaging, pathology reports, laboratory results, physical measurements and vital signs, clinical referrals and patient medications prior to admission, during admission and on discharge from hospital, as well as on outpatient, emergency department and critical care episodes. The database will be regularly updated, at least every 6 months once established.

  • Research programme

    The primary purpose of the eCamCVD database is to support research to answer important cardiovascular related medical, methodological and biological questions.

  • Research database title

    Cardiovascular eHospital Research Database (eCamCVD)

  • Establishment organisation

    Cambridge University Hospitals

  • Establishment organisation address

    NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Hills Road, Cambridge

    CB2 0QQ