Brain tissue radioligand binding studies

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Binding of radioligands to human parkinson's disease brain tissue



  • Contact name

    Kevin Nash

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Michael J Fox Foundation

  • Research summary

    The study is designed to aid the development of an agent that will bind selectively to aggregates of a protein named alpha -synuclein in the brain. A hallmark of Parkinsons disease pathology is the formation of aggregates of alpha synuclein in the brain of patients. There is currently no blood test or brain scan to detect the presence of these alpha synuclein aggregates. This study will help to identify test compounds that will bind to alpha synuclein aggreagates present in brain tissue from post mortem patients with parkinsons disease. If a successful agent is identified this could be used as a PET (positron emission tomography)agent. PET is an imaging modality that is used to provide a three-dimensional image of functional changes in the body and can be used to track the deposition of radioactive molecules to sites in the body. Such an agent will help with the diagnosis of parkinsons disease, allow disease progression to be monitored and may also have use in drug development and therapeutic monitoring. The research will be funded by the Micheal J Fox foundation (MJFF)who have set up a consortium to develop novel positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers for imaging alpha-synuclein in the brain. As part of the consortium BioFocus will be responsible for testing compounds for their ability to bind to human parkinsons disease brain tissue. The human brain tissue will be sourced from an establised brain bank e.g New York brain bank at Columbia University, no identifiable information about the donor will be disclosed to the researcher.

  • REC name

    Yorkshire & The Humber - Bradford Leeds Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    11 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion