Body reprogramming for fibromyalgia: initial evaluation

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Body reprogramming for fibromyalgia: initial evaluation of patient acceptability and feasibility



  • Contact name

    Anthony F Davies

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

  • Research summary

    Fibromyalgia is disorder of unknown biological etiology that affects about 2% of the population. Treatment options are limited to lifestyle modifications, including exercise and psychological interventions. Patients with FMS are typically under-treated. Under-treatment occurs for two primary reasons: First, provision is variable across and within developed nations, and patients may not be able to access any intervention. Second, providers may fail to optimise treatments for patients’ preferences and ability, as recommended by recent guidelines. A failure to optimise leads to poor engagement with treatment, and poor outcome. Body reprogramming is a conceptual model that justifies the existing evidence-based treatment options for therapists and patients alike so as to achieve comprehensive multi-component provision. Patients are provided with a seven week course (one and a half hours per week) supplemented by a 25 page patient guide and a relaxation CD. During the course patients are introduced to evidence-based lifestyle modifications, including exercise relaxation techniques, and positive psychology interventions such as acceptance and commitment therapy. In contrast with existing provision, body reprogramming is a comprehensive package that focuses on individualising treatment to the patient with an emphasis on patient preference within the various options for relaxation, physical exercise and psychological practice. The aim of this research is to collect preliminary research evidence for this intervention, to explore patient preference and to refine the provision accordingly. Outcome measures will be collected using standard scales used in fibromyalgia. In addition, patients will be asked to evaluate each of the seven sessions and will be invited to attend a focus group after the seventh session at which their experience of the course is explored.

  • REC name

    South West - Cornwall & Plymouth Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    25 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion