Bleeding and calculus presence in BPE Code 2 Sextants

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    An investigation into the relationship between bleeding on probing and the presence of calculus or other plaque retention factors in British Periodontal Examination(BPE) Code 2 sextants in patients attending a general dental practice in London.



  • Contact name

    Philip Ower

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    University of Kent

  • Research summary

    Gum disease is caused by inflammation of the gums in response to bacteria forming colonies around the margins between the teeth and gums. To check if a patient may have gum disease, a quick test, the Basic Periodontal Exam (BPE), is used routinely in clinical practice. The score should indicate the level of gum disease. Bleeding is a sign of gum disease and if it occurs without the presence of a periodontal pocket the site or area is given a score of 1. An area is given a BPE score 2 if there is a hard mineralised build-up (calculus) around the gum margins, or if there is a filling or crown with a rough or overhanging margin. Both of these factors could exacerbate gum disease, but neither are signs of active disease. This means that an area with a BPE score 1 has active gum disease in the form of gingivitis, but there may not be active disease at sites with the higher score of 2. Studies have shown up to 47% of areas might have calculus without bleeding or other signs of gum disease. The percentage of patients in which this happens has not been assessed in a UK population.

    This study will therefore investigate the percentage of BPE scores = 2 where there are plaque retention factors (calculus and overhangs) but no bleeding in a sample of adult patients attending a London general dental practice. The study is an MSc project

  • REC name

    North West - Preston Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    18 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion