Bioavailability of Obeticholic Acid in Healthy Subjects (QBR116482)

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    A Phase 1, Open-Label Trial of the Absorption, Metabolism, Excretion, and Absolute Bioavailability of Obeticholic Acid in Healthy Male Subjects



  • Contact name

    Pui Man Leung

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

  • Eudract number


  • Research summary

    The study drug is called Obeticholic acid (OCA). This is being developed by Intercept Pharmaceuticals as a treatment for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) in patients who may not respond to other treatments. PBC is a chronic (long-lasting) liver disease.

    The study will consist of two parts. The purpose of Part 1 of the study is to look at how OCA (the study drug) is absorbed by the body when given by mouth (orally) and how radiolabelled [14C]-OCA is taken up by the body when given through an intravenous injection (into a vein). The level of the drug will be determined from blood samples taken during the period of the study. Approximately 8 healthy male subjects will be administered a 25 mg OCA tablet and a 15 minute IV infusion of 100 µg [14C]-OCA.

    Part 2 will investigate a radiolabelled oral dose of [14C]-OCA. The purpose of Part 2 of the study is to measure how radiolabelled OCA is absorbed, broken down and removed from the body when given orally (by mouth) by measuring the level of the study drug in blood, urine and faecal samples. Approximately 8 healthy male subjects will receive a single oral dose of a 25 mg [14C]-OCA capsule.

  • REC name

    Wales REC 2

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    24 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion