An exploration of psychiatric ward life
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A study of psychiatric ward life: Exploring conceptions of care and experiences of restrictive practices.
Contact name
Vyv Huddy
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University College London Identifier
Z6364106/2018/08/41 , Data protection
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 6 months, 2 days
Research summary
This research aims to explore how service users and staff members experience care in an inpatient psychiatric ward setting. It will focus on understanding peoples’ experience of restrictive practices in this environment. Restrictive practices include strategies such as physical restraints, chemical restraints (medication), seclusion and locked ward doors.
In recent years, guidelines have been introduced that aim to reduce the use of restrictive practices in this setting (Department of Health, 2014; NHS Protect, 2013). Alternative approaches such as Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) have been introduced. PBS is a person-centred intervention that is said to improve care by assessing the function of behaviours that challenge. This is argued to inform the development of a supportive environment for the individual and may help reduce the use of restrictive practices (Department of Health, 2014).
In this study, the researchers will undertake interviews with service users and staff members to talk about their experiences of being on the ward. The researchers will also undertake fieldwork, where they will spend time on the ward observing the activities and the environment. The research will also examine documents that are related to the delivery of care and restrictive practices in this setting. Using these multiple approaches will help to provide a rich exploration of the experience of care in an inpatient psychiatric ward.
REC name
London - City & East Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
23 Nov 2018
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion