AlleRiC Focus
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Allergic Reactions in the Community Focus Group
Contact name
Aida Semic-Jusufagic
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University Hospital of South manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM)
Research summary
To facilitate understanding of the circumstances in which accidental allergic reactions occur in food allergic patients in the community, we propose to develop and validate a web-based reporting system for food Allergy Reactions in the Community (AlleRiC). The web-based interface will collect real-time information from people having allergic reactions.OVERVIEW
The AlleRiC Focus study is a collaborative project between the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK and the University College of Cork, Cork, Ireland. The study is funded through the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme grant as part of a joint project entitled ‘Integrated Approaches to Food Allergen and Allergy Risk Management’- (iFAAM).The overall objective of the iFAAM project is to develop evidence-based approaches and tools for management of allergens in food and integration of knowledge derived from their application into food allergy management plans and dietary advice delivered by health care practitioners.
Focus groups, which will be used to generate the content of the AlleRiC web-based interface, will be held in the UK (Manchester and Liverpool) and in Ireland (Cork and Dublin) in conjunction with, Anaphylaxis Campaign and Anaphylaxis Ireland .
Separate applications will be made by each collaborator to the relevant ethics committee in their own country.
To develop AlleRiC questionnaire items to be used in development of web-based interface for reporting allergic reactions in the community.REC name
East Midlands - Nottingham 1 Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
21 May 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion