Adult and Paediatric Bolus Tube Feed Blends
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Acceptability (including gastrointestinal tolerance and compliance) of a paediatric and adult bolus tube feed with food blends
Contact name
Sharan Saduera
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Nestle Health Science
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 0 months, 1 days
Research summary
Gastrointestinal tolerance describes the ability of the digestive system, including the stomach, small intestine and large intestine to function smoothly, accept and process food comfortably and absorb nutrients from food or formula without causing discomfort or adverse reactions. There are several factors that can affect the tolerance of the digestive system. These include structural abnormalities or malabsorption issues, caused by any of the following conditions: short bowel syndrome; intractable malabsorption; preoperative preparation of undernourished patients; inflammatory bowel disease; total gastrectomy; dysphagia; bowel fistulae; feeding intolerances, developmental disabilities and disease related malnutrition.
Patients with gastrointestinal tolerance problems require nutritional support strategies such as bolus tubes feed. This is because they can significantly impact an individual’s ability to consume adequate nutrition.
A bolus tube is a method used to administer nutrition directly into the stomach or small intestine. A bolus feed involves delivering a large amount of formula quickly over a short period of time through a feeding tube. Monitoring the patient closely to ensure proper tolerance and absorption of feed is very crucial to prevent complications. The bolus tube is used in patients who require food blends for their dietary management.This study is a single arm, prospective, multi-centre study that will include thirty (30) participants (children and adults) who require a bolus tube feed with food blend for their dietary management. Compleat blends that were developed by Nestle Health Science will be used.
The study will evaluate the gastrointestinal tolerance and compliance of the bolus tube feed over a period of 28 days. Participants will receive 150mL bolus format alongside their usual enteral tube or home-made blended diet. Participants will be asked to complete a daily diary and a short questionnaire to record information. The recruitment period will be 12 months.
REC name
West of Scotland REC 5
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
19 Jun 2024
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion