A Phase II randomized study of OligoG in subjects with cystic fibrosis

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cross over study of inhaled alginate oligosachharide (OligoG) administered for 28 days in subjects with Cystic Fibrosis



  • Contact name

    Martin John Walshaw

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    AlgiPharma AS

  • Eudract number


  • Research summary

    This study aims to examine the efficacy of an inhaled drug known as OligoG in it's new formulation. OligoG has previously been tested in a nebulised solution and will be tested as a dry powder inhalation in this study.

    A total of seventy-six patients aged 18 years and over with cystic fibrosis, caused by a single faulty gene that controls the movement of salt in the body, would be eligible for this study. It is a crossover study so the patients will have 2 discrete treatment periods of 28 days separated by a 4 week “washout” period. The patients will receive OligoG in one of their treatment periods and placebo in the other.

    To facilitate non-biased observations, this is a "blinded" study; neither the patients nor the clinical staff will know patients’ randomized treatment assignments (active OligoG or placebo), in the respective periods.

    The first twelve patients will be treated in a dose escalation fashion. The dose will be increased step wise until 10 capsules three times a day is reached on Day 2. This dose will subsequently be used until Day 28. The remaining sixty-four patients will be treated with 10 capsules three times a day for the full 28 days of treatment.

    The study will take place across three different countries; with four sites currently identified in the UK. The study will last approximately 15 months from screening of patients, to the last patient completing the study.

  • REC name

    North East - Tyne & Wear South Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    5 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion