A methodology study of measuring respiratory sounds.

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    A two-part Methodology study to measure respiratory sounds in subjects using Stethographics (STG 16) device; an established non-invasive multichannel lung sound system and automated analysis device to establish and validate a respiratory diagnostic tool.



  • Contact name

    Brian Leaker

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    Queen Anne Street Medical Centre

  • Research summary

    Developments in lung sound measurement have been made with the use of a device that has multiple broad-band sensors with digital computing power called the Stethographics Device (STG 16). Further development and validation of algorithms used with the STG 16 are required that allow the computations required for appropriate analysis and filter or reduce ambient noise and bodily artefact by excluding confounding sounds such as those from the heart.

    The study will be conducted in two parts at our centre (Part A and Part B. The overall aim of the study is to measure the recording of respiratory sounds in asthmatic and healthy volunteers, using the Stethographics device, an established lung sound analysis and automated analysis device. Part A of the study will include 12 evaluable healthy non-smoking subjects and 12 evaluable asthmatic subjects. Part A will determine the development of an Stethographics asthma scoring tool.

    Part B will involve a case control study design to measure respiratory sounds using the STG 16 device in COPD cases (GOLD Stage 2-3 who are current smokers with a = 10 pack year smoking history) and two control groups of matched non-smoking subjects (never smoked), and current smokers (with a = 10 pack year smoking history). Respiratory sounds will be recorded and further analysed using the STG device and STG proprietary automated software. Findings here will be used to validate the accuracy of the existing STG 16 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD) scoring tool with the respiratory sounds obtained from the Stethographics (STG 16) device in COPD cases.

    Part A will involve three study visits and a follow up call. Part B will involve two study visits and a follow up call.

  • REC name

    London - Chelsea Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    15 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion