3D morphometric analysis of craniofacial dysmorphism

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    3D morphometric analysis of craniofacial dysmorphism



  • Contact name

    Peter Hammond

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    University of Colorado Denver

  • Research summary

    The goals of the project are

    (a) to build a library of 3D facial photographs of individuals with genetic syndromes across age groups and ethnicities for sharing with other researchers via the FaceBase Hub in the USA;
    (b) to characterize face shape differences of specific syndromes using 3D morphometrics;
    (c) to develop a diagnostic tool to help distinguish between craniofacial dysmorphic syndromes.

    Advances brought about by this project will enhance the diagnostic accuracy of developmental conditions, and in the long term be available to any clinician with an internet connection, providing access to dysmorphologic based medical diagnosis to clinicians around the world.

  • REC name

    South Central - Berkshire Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    1 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Unfavourable Opinion