We want to involve you in the HRA to help us to make better decisions and ensure that health and social care research is done with and for everyone. We need your views to help us to decide the best way to do this. We’re asking people to tell us what they think of our proposals in a survey, which will be open for four weeks from 7 November to 4 December.
Why are we changing?
Our strategy Making it easy to do research that people can trust sets out our ambition to make better decisions by working with a diverse group of people with lived experience and making sure that anyone who wants to can get involved.
To help us deliver this, we are going to:
- increase public involvement in how we make decisions
- listen to and involve a diverse group of people in our work.
What are we doing?
One of the ways that we can change is by improving how we involve people who already work with us in our decision-making. We are also keen to ensure that there are appropriate ways for all the different groups of people that have a stake in what we do – including researchers and research funders – to inform our decision-making.
We’ve set out why we think this is important and made some proposals for how we might improve how we do this, now we need your views. The HRA’s Community Insight Group has developed the proposals and the consultation with us.
The responses to the consultation will inform a proposal that we will take to our Board.
Who should respond?
We want to hear from anyone who has an interest in how we work.
Read more about our ideas, then answer our consultation questions.